CESAAM Key Activities

  1. Conduct training and supervision of PhD and MSc students
  2. Award internship and post-doctoral fellowships
  3. Develop, review and conduct short courses tailored towards sustainable agriculture
  4. Operationalize exchange programs for visiting scientists
  5. Retooling for enhanced institutional and technical capacity in agriculture
  6. Enhance joint supervision for students through upscaled e-learning for students
  7. Organize international conferences and workshops for knowledge dissemination
  8. Procure teaching and research facilities
  9. Conduct targeted research aimed at addressing food insecurity
  10. Enhance university-public-private (including farmers’) collaboration
  11. Develop/review programs tailored towards sustainable agricultural research
  12. Enhance product development through promotion of innovation and patenting through the Agro-Science park
  13. Support student initiatives through agri-enterprise development
  14. Creation of agricultural knowledge centre
  15. Undertake collaborative proposal development

Challenges that CESAAM Seek to Address

  • Food insecurity
  • Persistent hunger
  • Frequent droughts
  • Youth unemployment
  • Rampant disease
  • Poor plant and animal genotypes equaInadte technical capacity and innovations
  • Poor infrastructure, market access and high input cost
  • Poor policies

CESAAM General Areas of Partnerships

  1. Benchmarking and international accreditation
  2. Research capacity building at CESAAM
  3. Joint supervision of students
  4. Staff and student exchange
  5. conduct regional short courses/retooling
  6. Collaborative research and fundraising
  7. Regional joint proposal writing
  8. Industry Internships and Research Attachments

Our Products

  • Chipkea Variety
  • Egerton Honey
  • Egerton Yoghurt
  • Tasha Beans
  • Tasha Beans
  • Honey and Bread Jam
  • Mushroom Sausages
  • Egerton Bread
  • Liquid Soap
  • Sky Cleaner
  • The shake palace
  • Egerton Yoghurt
CESAAM Areas of Collaboration

Research and Training

  • Joint research & proposal writing
  • Research attachment for graduate students
  • Joint supervision of students
  • Post graduate Capacity development

Industry/private sector collaboration

  • Curriculum development
  • Internship opportunities
  • Industry exchange opportunities
  • Collaborative research and entrepreneurship

Knowledge Dissemination

  • Policy and theses dissemination forums
  • Short and -skillbased courses
  • 4-K club revival plans
  • Operational Knowledge Centre

Innovative Product development & entrepreneurship

  • Registration and commercialization of innovations
  • Business incubation an-du ps tfaurntding
  • Commercialization and innovation grants
Copyright © 2024 CESAAM, Egerton University. "The Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Agriculture and Agribusiness Management"